This paper is directed towards understanding damage initiation and failure progression in advanced nanostructured composite materials using hierarchical coupling of molecular dynamics with micromechcanics and continuum mechanics. The molecular dynamics method is a subset of computational chemistry codes which creates system trajectories consistent with thermo-dynamic ensembles. The molecular dynamics program LAMMPS, (Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator) is a versatile code with numerous functionalities which can be used to simulate polymer systems. Although, the results for molecular simulation models, in particular polymer models are system size dependent, the ease with which large molecular systems can be evaluated, especially with parallel molecular dynamics codes such as LAMMPS makes it a more attractive choice compared to other approaches such as ab-initio calculations, which are limited to the calculation of a few 100 atoms. The critical value of the J-integral (J I ) at crack initiation is related to the fracture toughness of the material, where the subscript I denotes the fracture mode (I=1, 2, 3). Therefore, the J-integral could be used as a suitable metric for estimating the crack driving force as well as the fracture toughness of the material as the crack begins to initiate. However, for the conventional macroscale definition of the J-integral to be valid at the nanoscale in terms of the continuum stress and displacement fields and their spatial derivatives requires the construction of local continuum fields from discrete atomistic data, and using these data in the conventional contour integral expression for atomistic J-integral. One such methodology is proposed by Hardy that allows for the local averaging necessary to obtain the definition of free energy, deformation gradient, and Piola-Kirchoff stress as fields (and divergence of fields) and not just as total system averages. Further, the conventional isothermal definition of J-integral does not take into account the entropic contribution to the free energy, and consequently, may lead to significant over-estimation of the J-integral at the atomistic level, especially at finite temperatures. As a case study, the feasibility of computing the dynamic atomistic J-integral over the MD domain at finite temperature using Hardy estimates of continuum fields based on localization functions is evaluated for a graphene nano-platelet. For model verification, the values of atomistic J-integral are compared with results from linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM) for isothermal crack initiation at 0 K and at 300 K. Good agreement is observed between the atomistic J and the LEFM results at 0 K, with predictable discrepancies at 300 K due to entropic effects. Finally, a nano-micro-macro hierarchical multi-scale model is presented that is capable of simulating progressive damage evolution in a composite aerospace structural component.
NomenclatureK = Kelvin B k = Boltzmann constant LAMMPS = Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simu...