The ever-growing complexity of systems, the growing number of stakeholders, and the corresponding continuous emergence of new domain-specific modeling abstractions has led to significantly higher cognitive load on modelers. There is an urgent need to provide modelers with better, more Intelligent Modeling Assistants (IMAs). An important factor to consider is the ability to assess and compare, to learn from existing and inform future IMAs, while potentially combining them. Recently, a conceptual Reference Framework for Intelligent Modeling Assistance (RF-IMA) was proposed. RF-IMA defines the main required components and high-level properties of IMAs. In this paper, we present a detailed, level-wise definition for the properties of RF-IMA to enable a better understanding, comparison, and selection of existing and future IMAs. The proposed levels are a first step towards a comprehensive assessment grid for intelligent modeling assistance. For an initial validation of the proposed levels, we assess the existing landscape of intelligent modeling assistance and three future scenarios of intelligent modeling assistance against these levels.