Large-scale slow-moving deep-seated landslides are complex and potentially highly damaging phenomena. The detection of their dynamics in terms of displacement rate distribution is therefore a key point to achieve a better understanding of their behavior and support risk management. Due to their large dimensions, ranging from 1.5 to almost 4 km2, in situ monitoring is generally integrated using satellite and airborne remote sensing techniques. In the framework of the EFRE-FESR SoLoMon project, three test-sites located in the Autonomous Province of Bolzano (Italy) were selected for testing the possibility of retrieving significant slope displacement data from the analysis of multi-temporal airborne optic and light detection and ranging (LiDAR) surveys with digital image correlation (DIC) algorithms such as normalized cross-correlation (NCC) and phase correlation (PC). The test-sites were selected for a number of reasons: they are relevant in terms of hazard and risk; they are representative of different type of slope movements (earth-slides, deep seated gravitational slope Deformation and rockslides), and different rates of displacement (from few cm/years to some m/years); and they have been mapped and monitored with ground-based systems for many years (DIC results can be validated both qualitatively and quantitatively). Specifically, NCC and PC algorithms were applied to high-resolution (5 to 25 cm/px) airborne optic and LiDAR-derived datasets (such as hillshade and slope maps computed from digital terrain models) acquired during the 2019–2021 period. Qualitative and quantitative validation was performed based on periodic GNSS surveys as well as on manual homologous point tracking. The displacement maps highlight that both DIC algorithms succeed in identifying and quantifying slope movements of multi-pixel magnitude in non-densely vegetated areas, while they struggle to quantify displacement patterns in areas characterized by movements of sub-pixel magnitude, especially if densely vegetated. Nonetheless, in all three landslides, they proved to be able to differentiate stable and active parts at the slope scale, thus representing a useful integration of punctual ground-based monitoring systems.