With the aim of extending the gauge theory -matrix model connection to more general matter representations, we prove that for various two-index tensors of the classical gauge groups, the perturbative contributions to the glueball superpotential reduce to matrix integrals. Contributing diagrams consist of certain combinations of spheres, disks, and projective planes, which we evaluate to four and five loop order. In the case of Sp(N ) with antisymmetric matter, independent results are obtained by computing the nonperturbative superpotential for N = 4, 6 and 8. Comparison with the Dijkgraaf-Vafa approach reveals agreement up to N/2 loops in matrix model perturbation theory, with disagreement setting in at h = N/2 + 1 loops, h being the dual Coxeter number. At this order, the glueball superfield S begins to obey nontrivial relations due to its underlying structure as a product of fermionic superfields. We therefore find a relatively simple example of an N = 1 gauge theory admitting a large N expansion, whose dynamically generated superpotential differs from the one obtained in the matrix model approach. March, 2003