Background: We have evaluated the performance of a novel multiplex serological assay with a panel of 8 antigens able to simultaneously detect IgG to HIV, chronic hepatitis B (HBV) and C (HCV), Chagas disease, strongyloidiasis and schistosomiasis as a screening tool for imported diseases in migrants. Methods: Six panels of 40 serum samples from individuals with the respective confirmed infections (n=240) were used as positive controls to assess the sensitivity of the assay. One panel of 40 sera from non-infected subjects were used to estimate the seropositivity cutoffs for each infection, and 32 additional non-infected sera were used as negative controls to estimate the specificity for each serology. The multi-infection screening test was validated in a prospective cohort of 48 migrants from endemic areas to assess assay performance. Uncertainty was quantified with 95% confidence intervals (CI) using receiver operating characteristic analyses. Results: Sensitivity/specificity were 100%/100% for HIV (p41-antigen), 97.5%/100% (AUC:0.99,[95%CI: 0.96-1.00]) for HBV (core-antigen), 100%/100% (AUC:1.00,[95%CI 1.00-1.00]) for HCV (core-antigen), 92.5%/90.6%,(AUC:0.96,[95%CI 0.91-1.00]) for strongyloidiasis (31-kDa recombinant antigen (NIE)), 97.5%/100%,(AUC:0.97,[95%CI 0.93-1]) for schistosomiasis (combined Schistosoma mansoni and S. haematobium serpins) and 92.5%/96.9%,(AUC: 0.96,[95%CI 0.92-1.00]) for Chagas ([T.cruzi kinetoplastid membrane protein-11 (KMP11)]). In the migrant cohort, antibody response to KMP11 correctly identified 14/14(100%) individuals with Chagas disease, whereas HBV-core antigen and NIE-Strongyloides correctly identified 91.7% and 86.4% individuals with chronic hepatitis B and strongyloidiasis, respectively. Conclusions: We have developed a 8-plex Luminex assay that is robust and accurate, and could facilitate the implementation of screening programmes for imported diseases in migrant populations.