In vision-based action recognition, spatio-temporal features from different modalities are used for recognizing activities. Temporal modeling is a long challenge of action recognition. However, there are limited methods such as pre-computed motion features, three-dimensional (3D) filters, and recurrent neural networks (RNN) for modeling motion information in deep-based approaches. Recently, transformers' success in modeling long-range dependencies in natural language processing (NLP) tasks has gotten great attention from other domains; including speech, image, and video, to rely entirely on self-attention without using sequence-aligned RNNs or convolutions. Although the application of transformers to action recognition is relatively new, the amount of research proposed on this topic within the last few years is astounding. This paper especially reviews recent progress in deep learning methods for modeling temporal variations. It focuses on action recognition methods that use transformers for temporal modeling, discussing their main features, used modalities, and identifying opportunities and challenges for future research.