In this article, the authors present a hepta band metamaterial inspired hybrid fractal octagonal shape antenna for wireless applications. Multiband characteristics in the proposed design are achieved by hybrid fractal form of Moore curve and Koch curve with metamaterial loading. A well matched impedance bandwidth (S 11 ≤ −10 dB) is accomplished at seven microwave frequency bands, Upper L band (1.93 ∼ 2.08 GHz), S band, WiMAX (3.3 ∼ 3.7 GHz), C band, WLAN (5.4 ∼ 5.9 GHz), C band, IEEE INSAT application (6.5 ∼ 7.2 GHz), X band terrestrial broadband, space communication and Radio Navigation (RN) application (8.51 ∼ 11.05 GHz), Lower Ku band direct broadcast satellite service (12.2 ∼ 12.7 GHz), and Middle Ku band satellite communication operating band (14.73 ∼ 15.84 GHz) covering various wireless applications. The antenna achieves hexa/penta band characteristics during switching ON/OFF state of PIN diode placed between the Moore curve structure (attached with centered SRR cell) and feedline. Radiation patterns are found in stable forms at all the resonant frequencies. Measured results of the proposed design are compared with simulated ones indicating good agreement between them.