This study discusses the general overview of Timed Efficient Stream Loss-tolerant Authentication (TESLA) protocol, including its properties, key setups, and improvement protocols. The discussion includes a new proposed two-level infinite µTESLA (TLI µTESLA) protocol that solves the authentication delay and synchronization issues. We theoretically compared TLI µTESLA with the previously proposed protocols in terms of security services and showed that the new protocol prevents excessive use of the buffer in the sensor node and reduces the DoS attacks on the network. In addition, it accelerates the authentication process of the broadcasted message with less delay and assures continuous receipt of packets compared to previous TESLA Protocols. We also addressed the challenges faced during the implementation of TESLA protocol and presented the recent solutions and parameter choices for improving the efficiency of the TESLA protocol. Moreover, we focused on utilizing biometric authentication as a promising approach to replace public cryptography in the authentication process.INDEX TERMS Biometric authentication, lightweight cryptography, machine learning, TESLA protocol.
I. INTRODUCTION TO LIGHTWEIGHT CRYPTOGRAPHYCurrently, the internet of things (IoT) is rapidly expanding and being applied to several fields, such as in healthcare monitoring, environmental monitoring, smart censoring, and vital decision-making in different professional careers. However, the challenging features of IoT include their involvement in constrained devices such as RFIDs, sensor devices, and mobile phones, which have limited energy resources, communication bandwidth, and memory storage. With the increase in the application of these IoT devices, they become vulnerable to malicious attacks, and thus, the implementation of efficient yet lightweight security protocols is urgently needed [1].Lightweight cryptography involves simplified encryption protocols and schemes with low computational complexity that can be processed on such constrained devices to provide adequate security, considering the limited energy, bandwidth,The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and approving it for publication was Mouloud Denai .