Future networks are expected to depart from traditional routing schemes in order to embrace network coding (NC)-based schemes. These have created a lot of interest both in academia and industry in recent years. Under the NC paradigm, symbols are transported through the network by combining several information streams originating from the same or different sources. This special issue contains thirteen papers, some dealing with design aspects of NC and related concepts (e.g., fountain codes) and some showcasing the application of NC to new services and technologies, such as data multi-view streaming of video or underwater sensor networks. One can find papers that show how NC turns data transmission more robust to packet losses, faster to decode, and more resilient to network changes, such as dynamic topologies and different user options, and how NC can improve the overall throughput. This issue also includes papers showing that NC principles can be used at different layers of the networks (including the physical layer) and how the same fundamental principles can lead to new distributed storage systems. Some of the papers in this issue have a theoretical nature, including code design, while others describe hardware testbeds and prototypes.
Fundamentals of NCA central concept for transmitting data over a network involves the partitioning of the data stream into chunks of data that are transmitted as the payload of packets flowing over the network. In traditional networks, these packets contain the original data, or a coded version of it designed to either detect or even correct the data in the event of errors during the transmission. Instead, the idea of network coding (NC) is that the packets transmitted over the network contain combinations of the original data packets. This allows for much more flexibility at both the intermediate and destination nodes for handling and decoding the original data. It is known that by using these combinations in a random fashion, the max-flow capacity of a network can be achieved under certain conditions; however, this only holds for random linear network coding (RLNC) when both the field size of the symbols in the packets and the packet length tend to infinity. In paper [1], one can find the example of a very small twopath and two-hop network where RLNC is in fact not the best option when working over GF(2). The paper shows that decoding at the destination becomes faster and more reliable if the transmission of network-coded packets is preceded by a phase during which uncoded packets are transmitted via the two possible relays. The amount of uncoded packets that should be sent to each of the two relays depends on several link probabilities, and their optimal values are analytically defined.
Instantly decodable network codingWhereas RLNC over large Galois fields entails the generation and transmission of random linear combinations of source packets, instantly decodable network coding (IDNC) takes into account regularly transmitted feedback from receivers in the construction...