“…As shown in Figure S3, the XPS survey spectra of Cu 2+1 O/Ag-CC show the presence of Cu, Ag, and O elements, which is consistent with the energy-dispersive spectrometry energy spectra results. Figure b shows the high-resolution Cu 2p spectra of Cu 2+1 O/Ag-CC, Cu 2+1 O-CC, and Ag-CC, where for Cu 2+1 O/Ag-CC and Cu 2+1 O-CC, the XPS spectra can be deconvoluted into two peaks centered at 934.7 and 932.7 eV, assigned to Cu 2+ and Cu + or Cu 0 , respectively. , After forming a heterogeneous interface by introducing Ag, the peak position of the Cu 2p orbital is shifted, while the peak of Cu is shifted toward the lower binding energy, indicating that Cu is the electronic acceptor. , The satellite peak of Cu 2p can be mounted at 944.1 eV. The Ag 3d spectra of Cu 2+1 O/Ag-CC, Cu 2+1 O-CC, and Ag-CC are given in Figure c, where the XPS spectrum can be decomposed into two peaks centered at 374.1 and 368.05 eV, which are attributed to Ag 3d 3/2 and Ag 3d 5/2 , respectively. , In contrast to the peak displacement of Cu, the main peak of Ag moves toward the high binding energy, indicating that Ag is the electron donor. , To further indicate the valence state in which the copper element is located, a Cu LMM (a transition form producing the Auger spectrum) Auger spectrum test was performed, as shown in Figure S4, where the peak appearing at 570 eV is attributed to Cu + , while the presence of Cu 0 was not observed, , being consistent with the XRD results.…”