Multi-criteria decision approaches are preferred for achieving multidimensional sustainable renewable energy goals. A more critical issue faced by the wind power industry is the selection of a location to tap prospective energy, which needs to be evaluated on multiple measures. In this paper, the aim is to assess and rank alternative wind power plant locations in Saudi Arabia. The approach presented here takes multiple criteria into consideration, such as wind speed, wind availability, site advantages, terrain details, risk and uncertainty, technology used, third party support, projected demand, types of customers, and government policies. A comparative analysis of feasible alternatives that satisfy all multicriteria objectives is carried out. The results obtained are subjected to sensitivity analysis. Concepts such as 'threshold values' and 'attribute weights' make the approach more sensitive.
OPSOMMINGMultikriteria besluitnemingsbenaderings word verkies om multidimensionele, volhoubare en hernubare energie doelstellings te bereik. ʼn Belangrike kwessie vir die windkragindustrie is die identifisering van ʼn geskikte ligging wat onderhewig is aan verskeie kriteria. Hierdie artikel assesseer en rangskik verskeie potensiële windkragopwekking liggings in Saoedi-Arabië. Die voorgestelde benadering neem meervoudige kriteria, onder andere wind spoed en wind beskikbaarheid, ligging voordele, terrein detail, risiko en onsekerheid, die tegnologie wat gebruik word, derdeparty ondersteuning, geprojekteerde vraag, die tipe kliënte en regeringsbeleide, in ag. ʼn Vergelykende analise van uitvoerbare alternatiewe wat aan al die kriteria doelstellings voldoen is uitgevoer. Die daaropvolgende resultate is dan aan ʼn sensitiwiteitsanalise onderwerp. Konsepte soos drempelwaardes en eienskapgewigte maak die benadering meer sensitief.
INTRODUCTIONAccording to various published reports and expert opinions, it is evident that fossil fuels have an increasingly negative impact at a global level. Considering present global developments, sustainable renewable energy options play a vital role; and so choosing these options is being encouraged globally [1]. Common sources of renewable energy include solar energy, wind energy, and ocean energy. It is evident from the published literature that renewable energy is a focus of planning, implementation, and development activities in local and global energy programmes [2,3]. Decisionmaking in the renewable energy sector is very complex and difficult (see Figure 1), where multiple criteria and their respective objectives have to be considered in the decision analysis [4].Researchers and practitioners have adopted multi-criteria decision analysis in a number of industrial applications -for example the fuzzy approach in manufacturing technology investment decisions [5]; the fuzzy analytical hierarchy approach [6] for evaluating energy plans; and the analytical hierarchy approach [7] to justify non-financial decisions about manufacturing. Similarly, researchers