It is of fundamental importance to know the dynamics of quantum spin systems immersed in external magnetic fields. In this work, the dynamical properties of one-dimensional quantum Ising model with trimodal random transverse and longitudinal magnetic fields are investigated by the recursion method. The spin correlation function \[C\left( t \right) = \overline {\left\langle {\sigma _j^x\left( t \right)\sigma _j^x\left( 0 \right)} \right\rangle } \] and the corresponding spectral density \[\emptyset \left( \omega \right) = \int_{ -\infty }^{ + \infty } {dt{e^{iwt}}} C\left( t \right)\] are calculated. The model Hamiltonian can be written as \[H = -\frac{1}{2}J\sum\limits_i^N {\sigma _i^x\sigma _{i + 1}^x} -\frac{1}{2}\sum\limits_i^N {{B_{iz}}\sigma _i^z} -\frac{1}{2}\sum\limits_i^N {{B_{ix}}\sigma _i^x} \]. Where <img border=0 > are Pauli matrices at site <i>i</i>, <i>J</i> is the nearest-neighbor exchange coupling. <i>B<sub>iz</sub></i> and <i>B<sub>ix</sub></i> denote the transverse and longitudinal magnetic field, respectively. They satisfy the following trimodal distribution, \[\rho = \left( {{B_{iz}}} \right) = p\delta \left( {{B_{iz}} -{B_p}} \right) + q\delta \left( {{B_{iz}} -{B_p}} \right) + r\delta \left( {{B_{iz}}} \right)\] and \[\rho = \left( {{B_{i{\rm{x}}}}} \right) = p\delta \left( {{B_{ix}} -{B_p}} \right) + q\delta \left( {{B_{ix}} -{B_p}} \right) + r\delta \left( {{B_{ix}}} \right)\].The value interval of the coefficients <i>p</i>, <i>q</i> and <i>r</i> is [0,1], and the coefficients satisfy the constraint condition <i>p</i>+<i>q</i>+<i>r</i>=1. For the case of trimodal random <i>B<sub>iz</sub></i> (consider <i>B<sub>iz</sub></i>≡0 for simplicity), the exchange couplings are supposed to be <i>J</i>≡0 to fix the energy scale. The reference values are set <i>B<sub>p</sub></i>=0.5<<i>J</i> and <i>B<sub>q</sub></i>=1.5><i>J</i>. The coefficient <i>r</i> can be considered as the proportion of non-magnetic impurities. When <i>r</i>=0, the trimodal distribution degrades into the bimodal distribution. The dynamics of the system exhibits a crossover from the central-peak behavior to the collective-mode behavior as <i>q</i>increases, which consistent with the previous work. As <i>r</i> increases, the crossover between different dynamical behaviors changes obviously (e.g., the crossover from central-peak to double-peak when <i>r</i>=0.2), and the presence of non-magnetic impurities favors low-frequency response. Due to the competition between the non-magnetic impurities and transverse magnetic field, the system tends to exhibit multi-peak behavior in most cases, e.g., <i>r</i>=0.4, 0.6 or 0.8. However, the multi-peak behavior disappear when <i>r</i>→1. That is because the system's response to the transverse field is limited when the proportion of non-magnetic impurities are large enough. Interestingly, when the parameters satisfy <i>qB<sub>q</sub></i>=<i>pB<sub>p</sub></i>, the central-peak behavior can be maintained. What makes sense is that the conclusion is universal. For the case of trimodal random <i>B<sub>ix</sub></i>, the coefficient <i>r</i> is no longer represent the proportion of non-magnetic impurities when <i>B<sub>ix</sub></i> and <i>B<sub>iz</sub></i> (<i>B<sub>iz</sub></i>≡1) coexist here. In the case of weak exchange coupling, the effects of longitudinal magnetic field on spin dynamics are obvious, so J≡0.5 is set here. The reference values are set <i>B<sub>p</sub></i>=0.5<<i>B<sub>iz</sub></i> and <i>B<sub>q</sub></i>=0.5<<i>B<sub>iz</sub></i>. When <i>r</i>is small (<i>r</i>=0, 0.2 or 0.4), the system undergoes a crossover from the collective-mode behavior to the double-peak behavior as <i>q</i> increases. However, the low-frequency responses gradually disappear, while the high-frequency responses are maintained as <i>r</i> increases. Take the case of <i>r</i>=0.8 for example, the system only behaves a collective-mode behavior. The results indicate that increasing <i>r</i> is no longer conducive to the low-frequency response, which is contrary to the case of trimodal random <i>B<sub>ix</sub></i>. The <i>r</i> branch only regulates the intensity of the trimodal random <i>B<sub>ix</sub></i>. Our results indicate that using trimodal random magnetic field to manipulate the spin dynamics of the Ising system may be a new try.