In this paper the kernel for the spectral correlation functions of the invariant chiral random matrix ensembles with real (β = 1) and quaternion real (β = 4) matrix elements is expressed in terms of the kernel of the corresponding complex Hermitean random matrix ensembles (β = 2). Such identities are exact in case of a Gaussian probability distribution and, under certain smoothness assumptions, they are shown to be valid asymptotically for an arbitrary finite polynomial potential. They are proved by means of a construction proposed by Brézin and Neuberger. Universal behavior at the hard edge of the spectrum for all three chiral ensembles then follows from microscopic universality for β = 2 as shown by Akemann, Damgaard, Magnea and Nishigaki.PACS numbers: 64.60. Cn, 05.45.+b, 11.30.Rd, 12.38.Aw Since its introduction in nuclear physics [1], Random Matrix Theory (RMT) has been applied successfully to many different branches of physics ranging from atomic physics to quantum gravity (for a recent comprehensive review we refer to [2]). One important common ingredient is that eigenvalue correlations appear to be insensitive to the details of the underlying Hamiltonian. The success of RMT is based on this type of universality, and it is no surprise that it has received a great deal of attention in recent literature [3-10] [11-20] [21-27]. What has been shown is that spectral correlators on the scale of the average eigenvalue spacing are insensitive to the details of the probability distribution of the matrix elements. Because of its mathematical simplicity most studies were performed for complex (β = 2) Hermitean RMT's. However, in the case of the classical RMT's it was shown that universality extends to real (β = 1) and quaternion real (β = 4) matrix ensembles [4,6,7]. This suggests that relations between correlation functions for different values of β which can be derived for a Gaussian probability distribution [28,29] might be valid for a wide class of probability distributions. The main goal of this paper is to establish such general relations. As a consequence, universality for the much simpler complex ensembles implies universality for the real and quaternion real ensembles.In this letter we address the question of microscopic universality for the chiral ensembles. These ensembles are relevant for the description of spectral correlations of the QCD Dirac operator. They also appear in theory of universal conductance fluctuations in mesoscopic systems [30,31]. In particular, they can be applied to spectral correlations near λ = 0. According to the Banks-Casher formula [32], this part of the spectrum is directly related to the order parameter Σ of the chiral phase transition (Σ = lim πρ(0)/V , where V is the volume of space time and ρ(λ) = k δ(λ−λ k )). It is therefore natural to introduce the microscopic limit where the variable u = λV Σ is kept fixed for V → ∞. For example, the microscopic spectral density is defined by [33] ρ S (u) = limwhere the average is over the distribution of the matrix elements of the D...