This article presents an overview of multicultural debates in Western societies. It introduces the key theoretical approaches, the main criticisms and it identifies current and future topics of discussion and analysis.keywords cultural difference -inclusion/exclusion -recognition -cultural rights -integration résumé Cet article présente un aperçu des débats multiculturels dans les sociétés occidentales. Il introduit les principales approches théoriques ainsi que les principales critiques. Il identifie également les sujets actuels et futurs de discussion et d'analyse.mots-clés différence culturelle -inclusion/exclusion -reconnaissance -droits culturels -intégration resumen En este artículo se presenta un resumen de los debates multiculturales en las sociedades occidentales. Se introducen las principales perspectivas teóricas, así como las principales críticas. También identifica los temas actuales y futuras de la discusión y el análisis.
palabras claves diferencia cultural -inclusión/exclusión -reconocimiento -derechos culturalesintegración
IntroductionThe term 'multiculturalism' has become very popular in the last few decades and, as often happens to popular words, it has ended up expressing quite different meanings. In this short essay, only a very concise and (personally) selective presentation of the current debate and the rich literature on this subject is possible. In fact, multicultural discussions refer to a wide variety of situations -integration policies and welfare-state regimes, the legal and political accommodation of cultural diversity, the management of immigration and national borders, the recognition and respect of cultural/religious difference, living with 'difference' in daily contexts, the ideological representation of identities, cultures and 'the good society', to name only a few. These also involve different disciplinesphilosophy, sociology, anthropology, social psychology, political science, pedagogy, and cultural and post-colonial studies -with their own distinct questions, perspectives, and tool-kits. All this justifies the use of the term in the plural to highlight its polysemy and accounts for the inevitable partiality of this presentation, which mainly focuses on Western societies. This essay aims to offer the necessary coordinates to locate these debates in an approximate, although I hope useful, map. It starts exploring the various meanings difference can assume in the debate on multicultural societies. The second section sets out the main ways in which multicultural issues have been developed and critically discusses some aporias of the multicultural perspectives. The third section presents the alleged current multiculturalism backlash, while the final part highlights some current directions of research.