The advent of titanium hardware, which provides firm three-dimensional positional control, and the exquisite bone detail afforded by multidetector computed tomography (CT) have spurred the evolution of subunit-specific midfacial fracture management principles. The structural, diagnostic, and therapeutic complexity of the individual midfacial subunits, including the nose, the naso-orbito-ethmoidal region, the internal orbits, the zygomaticomaxillary complex, and the maxillary occlusion-bearing segment, are not adequately reflected in the Le Fort classification system, which provides only a general framework and has become less relevant in contemporary practice. The purpose of this article is to facilitate the involvement of radiologists in the delivery of individualized multidisciplinary care to adults who have sustained blunt trauma and have midfacial fractures by providing a clinically relevant review of the role of multidetector CT in the management of each midfacial subunit. Surgically relevant anatomic structures, search patterns, critical CT findings and their management implications, contemporary classification systems, and common posttraumatic and postoperative complications are emphasized. RSNA, 2018.