INTRODUCTIONThe size and breadth of digital libraries makes it difficult for people to quickly grasp what content is and is not available. Consequently, people usually need an overview of the digital library to help them decide if it is worthwhile to look further. As they do look further, it is helpful for their searching and browsing to get an idea of what is in the collection and how many items are available. We believe that digital library users will be well-served by highly interactive user interfaces that support alternative views of the library partitions/collections/results sets. This paper describes a user interface that aims to provide agile control over various partitions and reports results from a user study comparing this interface to a typical library search interface.A novel interface called the Relation Browser++ (RB++) for searching and browsing large information collections was designed and investigated. RB++ provides visualized category overviews of an information space and allows dynamic filtering and exploration of the result set by tightly coupling the browsing and searching functions. A user study was conducted to compare the effectiveness, efficiency and user satisfaction of completing various types of searching and browsing using the RB++ interface and a traditional form-fillin interface for a video library. An exploration set of tasks was also included to examine the effectiveness of and user satisfaction with the RB++ when applied to a large federal statistics website. The comparison study strongly supported that RB++ was more effective and efficient for completing designed tasks, especially those of data exploration, and it gained higher satisfaction from users. The exploration study showed that the interface not only facilitated users to have better understanding of the web based information collection but also was effective and efficient to find needed information from it.Faceted category structure is one way to help people understand the composition of an information collection. A Faceted approach provides different ways to slice and dice the information space, which allows the users to look at the information space from different perspectives. Allowing people to explore the relationships among different facets may further deepen their understanding and support new insights. The relational browser (RB) is an interface which provides an overview of the collection by displaying different categories and enables people to explore the relationships among these categories [10]. The different facet values also serve as selectable objects that may be employed as query widgets for a search so that the entire space can quickly be partitioned with simple mouse moves and with consequent immediate display of the resulting partition in the results panel. Figure 1 shows an application of an early version of the relational browser in the domain of the U.S. federal statistics websites. The web pages in the site were sliced into four different facets: by topic, data type, region, and date. T...