We study pure Lovelock vacuum and perfect fluid equations for Kasner-type metrics. These equations correspond to a single N th order Lovelock term in the action in d = 2N + 1, 2N + 2 dimensions, and they capture the relevant gravitational dynamics when aproaching the big-bang singularity within the Lovelock family of theories. Pure Lovelock gravity also bears out the general feature that vacuum in the critical odd dimension, d = 2N + 1, is kinematic; i.e. we may define an analogue Lovelock-Riemann tensor that vanishes in vacuum for d = 2N + 1, yet the Riemann curvature is non-zero. We completely classify isotropic and vacuum Kasner metrics for this class of theories in several isotropy types. The different families can be characterized by means of certain higher order 4th rank tensors. We also analyze in detail the space of vacuum solutions for five and six dimensional pure Gauss-Bonnet theory. It possesses an interesting and illuminating geometric structure and symmetries that carry over to the general case. We also comment on a closely related family of exponential solutions and on the possibility of solutions with complex Kasner exponents. We show that the latter imply the existence of closed timelike curves in the geometry.PACS numbers:
I. INTRODUCTIONLovelock gravity is the most natural extension of general relativity (GR) in dimension higher than four, as it retains the basic character of the theory -the equation of motion remains second order despite the action being higher order in Riemann curvature. No other purely gravitational theory preserves this crucial feature. Yet another interesting feature of GR is the fact that it is kinematic in three dimensions and it turns dynamical in the next even dimension, i.e. d = 4. In three dimensions the Riemann curvature tensor can be written in terms of the Ricci so that there exist no non-trivial vacuum solution. If we want this property to remain true as we go to higher odd dimensions there is a unique choice that corresponds to pure Lovelock gravity [1,2]. The action reduces in this case to a single N th order Lovelock term, with or without cosmological constant [19] in dimensions d = 2N + 1, 2N + 2. This is the maximal order term in the Lovelock series, higher order terms being either topological or zero. There is no sum over lower order terms and in particular there is no Einstein term in the action.It is possible to define an analogue of the Riemann tensor for N th order Lovelock gravity, its characterizing property being that the trace of its Bianchi derivative vanishes, yielding the corresponding divergence free analogue of the Einstein tensor [3]. This is exactly the same as the one obtained from the variation of the N th order Lovelock action term. For the appropriate definition of Lovelock-Riemann tensor and zero cosmological constant, any pure Lovelock vacuum in odd d = 2N + 1 dimensions is Lovelock flat, i.e. any vacuum solution of the theory has vanishing Lovelock-Riemann tensor [1,4]. Likewise, even for non-zero cosmological constant, the Weyl curvat...