In quantum mechanics, when an electron is quickly ripped off from a molecule, a superposition of new eigenstates of the cation creates an electron wave packet that governs the charge flow inside which has been called charge migration (CM). Experimentally, to extract such dynamics at its natural (attoseconds) timescale is quite difficult. Here, we report the first such experiment in a linear carbon-chain molecule,
butadiyne (C4H2), via high harmonic spectroscopy (HHS). By employing advanced theoretical and computational tools, we showed that the wave packet and the CM of a single molecule is reconstructed from the harmonic spectra for each fixed-in-space
angle of the molecule. For this one-dimensional molecule, we calculate the center of charge (t) to obtain v_{cm}, to quantify the migration speed and how it depends on the orientation angle. The findings also uncover how the electron dynamics at the first few-tens to hundreds attoseconds depends on molecular structure. The method can be extended to other molecules where HHS technique can be employed.