The overall beneficial effect of live black soldier fly larvae (BSFL) on the welfare of broiler chickens, turkeys, and laying hens has already been discussed in the literature. However, scant information is available regarding the benefits of feeding live BSFL to medium‐growing chicken hybrids reared under organic/free‐range conditions, and whose welfare is frequently cited as being inadequate. The aim of this research was to advance our knowledge of this topic. To this end, 240 label naked neck birds (Hubbard JA57 hybrid) were assigned, at 21 days of age, to four experimental groups (6 replicates/treatment, 10 chickens/replicate), created according to sex (M/F) and the provision of a 10% live BSFL dietary supplementation (control males, control females, larvae males, and larvae females), and raised until 82 days of age. We performed behavioural observations, a tonic immobility test, and an avoidance distance (AD) test. We assessed feather damage and cleanliness, hock burn, footpad dermatitis, and skin lesion scores, and determined the concentration of excreta corticosterone metabolites (ECM) and the heterophile to lymphocyte heterophile/lymphocyte (H/L) ratio. The behavioural observations demonstrated increased physical and foraging activity (p < 0.05) in the live BSFL administered groups compared with C ones, providing valuable data on the explorative and recreational behaviour of this chicken genotype. The results also evidenced the usefulness of live BSFL as a fear reducer in females, as those receiving the BSFL supplement moved closer to the operator during the AD test (p < 0.01). No physical injuries or damage were observed on the birds, regardless of whether they received the BSFL supplementation or not. The ECM were unaffected by BSFL supplementation, while the H/L ratio was higher in the larvae groups than in the control ones (p = 0.050). In conclusion, live BSFL provision could constitute a powerful tool for improving life quality in medium‐growing chickens. Further research is required to clarify the stress modulation role of live BSFL on poultry production.