The diatoms have intricate silica‐based cell walls with multi‐scale patterns. High dynamic range (HDR) imaging is widely used to examine the three‐dimensional structure of diatoms for recovering the wide range of contrast and brightness. In order to construct a HDR image of a diatom, multiple images of the specimen are taken at different exposure settings with bright or dark field microscopy. In the proposed method, multi‐scale decomposition based on nonsubsampled contourlet transform is adopted to separate the structured and detailed information of the HDR image. And then, by processing all layers independently, the tone‐mapped image is reconstructed to retain details present in the dark and light regions. Quantitative and qualitative analysis is performed in order to assess the performance of the proposed and seven existing tone‐mapping operators. In analysis, the study indicates that the proposed method enhances the diatom frustules to extract more details.