Motivated by the recent experiment by Bordia et al [Nat. Phys. 13, 460 (2017)], we study single particle delocalization phenomena of Aubry-André (AA) model subjected to periodic drives. In two distinct cases we construct an equivalent classical description to illustrate that the drive induced delocalization phenomena stems from an instability and onset of chaos in the underlying dynamics.In the first case we analyze the delocalization and the thermalization in a time modulated AA potential with respect to driving frequency and demonstrate that there exists a threshold value of the amplitude of the drive. In the next example, we show that the periodic modulation of the hopping amplitude leads to an unusual effect on delocalization with a non-monotonic dependence on the driving frequency. Within a window of such driving frequency a delocalized Floquet band with mobility edge appears, exhibiting multifractality in the spectrum as well as in the Floquet eigenfunctions. Finally, we explore the effect of interaction and discuss how the results of the present analysis can be tested experimentally.
PACS numbers:Introduction: Periodically driven quantum systems have been extensively used to study various phenomena like parametric resonance, quantum chaos, topological phases, etc [1][2][3][4][5]. Experimental and theoretical studies have gained interests in the context of many body systems exhibiting thermalization in the presence of a periodic drive [6][7][8][9][10]. On the other hand the fate of a driven many body localized (MBL) state is an emerging issue [11,12] as has been demonstrated in a seminal experiment on ultra-cold atomic systems showing delocalization from the MBL phase [7]. It is a pertinent question to ask how generic is this phenomenon and whether there is any underlying principle that explains drive induced delocalization of MBL phase.