Multiple tunable laser lines were obtained by pumping solution of Rh6G in ethanol (1mM) by five pairs of the second harmonic of a passively Q. switched and mode locked Nd:YAG laser. The time delays among the excitation pulses were varied within coherence length of 1cm. Twenty one equally spaced lines were obtained by pumping dye solution with ten pairs of excitation beams derived from the same source. It was possible to tune the wavelengths by a microcontroller based mirror mounted stage. Number of lasing lines varied from minimum five to maximum twenty one. The wavelength of output lines varied from 540 to 590nm. The pulse lengths were measured, using Hadland Streak Camera, to vary from minimum 10 to maximum 30ps. The experimental results have lead to maturity of a 21-lines model of a distributed feedback dye laser. The dye cell was excited by the 2nd harmonic of a laboratory built passively Q. switched and mode-locked Nd:YAG laser to induce simultaneous temperature phase grating in the dye solution. This work on distributed feedback dye laser is in agreement with most of the published results on semiconductor DFB lasers. Simultaneous operation of 21-lines of slightly varying wavelengths opens a new era of research in biosensors, multiphoton ignition and measurements. This multi-wavelength operation of DFDL is based on mutual couplings of five overwritten dynamic gratings.