Shallow group-V donors in silicon may be thought of as hydrogenlike, and shallow acceptors are similarly described by effective-mass theory with similar energy scales, which implies that donor and acceptor excitations should be just as long-lived. Yet, spectral widths of acceptors are considerably wider. We have measured the orbital dynamics of acceptors in silicon using time-domain spectroscopy with a free-electron laser. Both the population and coherence lifetimes for acceptors in natural silicon are substantially longer-e.g. approximately 60 ps for boron-than implied by the spectral linewidths; our experiments also establish the recombination time for ionized acceptors to be, at approximately 500 ps, nearly an order of magnitude longer. We show that there are no extra sources of decoherence introduced by the host crystal, other than the population relaxation. In this sense, the crystal acts as an atom trap, and, by introducing quantum coherent control of acceptors to that previously established for donors, we open the way to optically controllable nanoscale p-n devices.