The paper evaluated the possibility of potential reinforcing of poly(oxymethylene) (POM) by glass fiber and the influence of fiberglass addition on mechanical properties under dynamic load. Four types of composites with glass fiber and another four with carbon fiber were produced. The fiber content ranged from 5% to 40% by weight. In the experimental part, the basic mechanical and fatigue properties of POM-based composites were determined. The impact of water absorption was also investigated. The influence of fiber geometry on the mechanical behavior of fiber-reinforced composites of various diameters was determined. To refer to the effects of reinforcement and determine the features of the structure scanning electron microscopy images were taken. The results showed that the addition of up to 10 wt %. fiberglass increases the tensile properties and impact strength more than twice, the ability to absorb energy also increases in relation to neat poly(oxymethylene). Fiber geometry also has a significant impact on the mechanical properties. The study of the mechanical properties at dynamic loads over time suggests that composites filled with a smaller fiber diameter have better fatigue well as heating fabrics powered by electricity [2][3][4][5]. Many scientific papers present the advantages of introducing carbon fibers to thermoplastic materials. Carbon fibers are not only lightweight or provide very good strength properties, but also have a positive effect on tribological properties, and therefore they also can be successfully used as a reinforcement in ceramic matrices [6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17].Carbon fibers are not only one fiber introduced in composites which provide good mechanical properties. Currently, about 60% of produced glass fibers are applied to make composites on polymeric matrices, even though they have insignificantly lower physical and mechanical properties than carbon fibers. Glass fibers are characterized by low elongation and high modulus of elasticity. Attention should be paid to good dielectric properties, namely the fibers have low values of relative permittivity and dielectric loss factor. A valuable advantage of glass fibers is the very good wettability of the polymers, and hence the possibility of forming a strong bond at the polymer/glass interface. The mechanical properties of fiber-reinforced composites improve as the length of reinforcing fibers increase, while the strength of a single glass fiber depends on its diameter. If the fiber diameter is larger, there is a higher probability of material defects and damages describe in literature as micronotches and microcracks [18].Many groups of researchers conduct research on polymer composites with glass fiber. It has been revealed that glass fibers successfully strengthen polymers causing better strength properties, higher resistance to creep, and fatigue, as well as provide greater dimensional stability [19][20][21][22].POM is a thermoplastic material with a high degree of crystallinity. This polymer is obta...