Pulse power sources can produce high temperature or high-density extreme conditions within a short time. They have been introduced to various fields such as those in laser, fusion research, the production of plasma, shockwaves in water, water treatment, and exhaust gas treatments. Various high voltage pulse sources using insulated-gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) semiconductors with high voltage resistivity have been used. Also, Marx bank circuit is well known as an instrument that produces voltage pulses with low repetitive rates. These instruments have several advantages. However, their problems are a complex structure, high cost, and excessive weight. A simple method of producing high voltage pulses with short rising times based on electrostatic induction in external capacitor used for pulse power applications is proposed. The circuit has a simple structure and contains a minimum number of parts, which makes the instrument small and light weight. In fact, the generation of sawtoothed high voltage pulses with short rising times and low repetitive rates of a few 100 Hz was successfully conducted in experiments. Theoretical analysis was simultaneously undertaken. The numerically calculated results for generating high voltage pulses were goodly consistent with the experimental ones. Moreover, it has been confirmed that amplification of the output voltage by electro-hydrodynamics (EHD) electricity generation using a jet flame resulted in higher voltage pulses, lower electricity consumption, and high repetition rates.