Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a fatal degenerative
of the central nervous system characterized by progressive muscle
weakness over time and space. Assessing the severity of a patient’s
condition and establishing effective communication strategies postloss
of speech are vital for providing optimal care to ALS patients. In
this article, a capacitive pressure sensor based on the melamine formaldehyde
resin sponge (MFRS) and graphene/MWCNTs/PDMS mixture is proposed.
The MFRS pressure sensor (MFRSPS) boasts good sensitivity (0.22 kPa–1), wide range (0–500 kPa), rapid response/relaxation
time (45 ms/45 ms), and low detection limit (7 Pa). Additionally,
it exhibits robust temperature resistance and repeatability (600 cycles
under various pressures). Leveraging the impressive performance of
the MFRSPS, two distinct systems have been designed for ALS patients:
the medical assistive system and the Morse code representation system.
The medical assistive system aids in diagnosing the disease, while
the Morse code representation system facilitates the patient’s
communication with the outside world. This work provides an effective
method for accessing the condition of ALS patients, supporting their
rehabilitation and enabling their communication with the external