We review the characteristics of some carbon based novel superconductors which emerged in the past two decades since the discovery of superconductivity in the high-T c oxocuprates. In particular, we summarize the properties of ternary layered carbide halides of the rare rarth metals with composition RE 2 C 2 X 2 (RE = Y, La; X=Cl, Br, I) and of the rare earth di-and sesquicarbides, YC 2 , LaC 2 and La 2 C 3 . Finally, we briefly discuss the properties of the recently discovered Ca and Yb intercalated graphite superconductors, CaC 6 and YbC 6 . PACS numbers: abc 1 I. INTRODUCTIONThe discovery of high-T c superconductivity by Bednorz and Müller 1 in 1986 marks the beginning of a period of a vivid search for -chemically and physically partly extremely complex -new oxocuprates and for theoretical approaches to understand their puzzling properties, quite a few of which remained controversial even until today. The advent of this completely unexpected class of new superconductors also revived the interest in more conventional -'low-T c ' -superconductors. In due course, a number of new systems were found, and already known superconductors were reinvestigated with improved and refined experimental and theoretical tools. These activities led to surprising new discoveries as that of the 40 K superconductor MgB 2 by Nagamatsu et al. 2 Apart from its T c , MgB 2 is special primarily for two reasons: Compared e.g. to the high-T c oxocuprates its crystal structure is of remarkable simplicity allowing electronic and phononic structure calculations of high precision, and MgB 2 is the first system for which multigap superconductivity has independently been evidenced by several experimental techniques. 3,4,5 Until the discovery of MgB 2 , doped fullerenes had shown the highest T c values after the high-T c oxocuprates. With large enough quantities of purified C 60 available, 6 Hebard et al. prepared superconductors with a T c of 18 K by doping polycrystalline C 60 and C 60 films with alkali metals. 7 Subsequently, by adjusting the separation of the C 60 molecules using a proper composition of different alkali metals, T c 's up to ∼33 K were reached. 8 Superconductivity in doped fullerenes also redraw attention to carbon based superconductors in general. Especially, binary and quasibinary transition metal carbides have a long history in showing T c 's which were among the highest found before the discovery of the high-T c oxocuprates. 9 Later borocarbides of composition REM 2 B 2 C, with RE = Y or Lu and M = Ni or Pd, with T c 's up to 22 K attracted considerable interest. 10,11 Superconductivity in graphite intercalation compounds (GICs) is another early field of research which recently was revived. The discovery of superconducting GICs dates back to the pioneering work of Bernd Matthias' group in the 1960's, however, the T c 's of these early GICs remained well below 1 K. 12,13 Subsequently, the T c 's of alkali metal intercalated GICs could be raised by intercalation under pressure with e.g. Li and Na, but T c did not signifi...