All rights reserved.iv ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The blessings that I have enjoyed in this life and that have allowed me to progress in my education as well as professionally are provided by God above, and I thank Him every day for all that He has provided. Additionally, I have to thank my wife for her commitment to me in this process. If it were not for her support and countless evening and weekends in which she cared for our children, I would not have gotten through this. I would also like to thank my employer, Divine Savior Academy, for supporting me in this endeavor both with time and resources.The process of completing a dissertation is filled with numerous hours of research, writing, proofreading, and more writing. Without the support of my dissertation committee and the Office of Graduate Studies in Education at Florida International University, I would not have been able to complete this dissertation. First, I need to thank Dr. Thomas Reio, Jr. for the time he committed in working with me to proofread, edit, and finalize this dissertation, but also for his guidance in getting through the entire doctoral program and dissertation process as my Major Professor on my committee. I also would like to thank Dr. Isadore Newman for the time he committed to working with me through the methodology and statistics included in this research as well as for being part of my committee. Dr. Linda Bliss must also be commended for her contribution to this dissertation as she reviewed the manuscript and made numerous suggestions to improve its readability as well as to ensure that all questions raised were adequately answered. Dr. Eric Dwyer and Dr. Kyle Perkins were also invaluable in their suggestions for improvement throughout this process as members of my committee. I would like to v thank a former student of mine, Maham Zafar, for the time she has spent proofreading the early versions of this manuscript.
ABSTRACT OF THE DISSERTATIONWhen a private school works to serve a diverse student population and provide excellence in education, academic aptitude is important to evaluate to better predict whether a student will be provided an education that is appropriately leveled.Comparing the previous grades of a diverse applicant pool may prove problematic because of the differing scaling and grading methods utilized in differing educational systems. A nonverbal aptitude test may be utilized to fill this purpose by not only gauging a student's aptitude, but also by minimizing bias associated with cultural or linguistic differences, as well as differences that may present themselves because of sex.The present study included an ex post facto review of data collected over three academic years from 2013 to 2016 at a private secondary school. The nonverbal aptitude of applicants was gauged utilizing the Naglieri Nonverbal Aptitude Test (NNAT). The students' overall GPA during their second semester at the school was identified to gauge academic achievement. These two values were then compared utilizing a hierarchical regression analysis to id...