We review the geometric structure of the IL 0 PE model, a rotating shallow-water model with variable buoyancy, thus sometimes called "thermal" shallow-water model. We start by discussing the Euler-Poincaré equations for rigid body dynamics and the generalized Hamiltonian structure of the system. We then reveal similar geometric structure for the IL 0 PE. We show, in particular, that the model equations and its (Lie-Poisson) Hamiltonian structure can be deduced from Morrison and Greene's (1980) system upon ignoring the magnetic field ( B = 0) and setting U (ρ, s) = 1 2 ρs, where ρ is mass density and s is entropy per unit mass. These variables play the role of layer thickness (h) and buoyancy ( θ) in the IL 0 PE, respectively. Included in an appendix is an explicit proof of the Jacobi identity satisfied by the Poisson bracket of the system.