<i>Background: </i>Maternity continuum of care is the continuity of maternal health care services given to mothers during antenatal period, child birth and post natal period. It is one of the strategic programs meant to lower the death rates of mothers, newborns, and children. In spite of this, a large number of moms discontinue their participation in maternal continuum care. Dropout from the maternity continuum of care is prevalent public health issue in underdeveloped nations, such as Ethiopia. <i>Methods: </i>Community based quantitative cross-sectional study was carried out among 357 mothers who gave birth in the 12 months in Adigrat town. Systematic sampling method was used to obtain study participants. Data was collected using pretested, semi- structured and face to face interviewer administered questioner. Bivariable and multivariable logistic regression model was fitted. Variables having p-value less than 0.2 in bivariable analysis was entered to multivariable logistic regression model. In multivariable logistic regression adjusted odds ratio with 95% confidence interval was used to determine strength and direction of the association between dependent and independent variables. <i>Results:</i> The overall magnitude of drop out from the maternity continuum of care was 237 (66.4%) [95%CI (61.3-70.9)], 60.6% drop out from ANC visit, 5.6% drop out from skill birth attendant and 58.9% drop out from PNC. Mothers never heard on maternal health care service (AOR=4.179 (1.107, 15.783), service out of health facility (AOR =5.136 (1.988, 13.267) noabortionhistory (AOR=1.424 (1.113, 12.133), unplannedpregnancy (AOR=5.478 (1.902, 15.777), less than 4 ANC visit (AOR= 5.583 (2.598, 11. 997) and mothers attitude (AOR=15.049 (2.489, 32.997) were statically significant factors associated with drop out from maternity continuum of care. <i>Conclusion and discussion: </i>This study showed that magnitude of drop out from maternity continuum of care was high as compared to WHO recommendations. As a result concerned stakeholders and policy makers should initiate more than four ANC visit, create awareness on harmful traditional practice, bad pregnancy history, support mothers to use family planning to prevent unplanned pregnancy, and work on attitude change of the community.