Abstract. Traditionally, active shape models (ASMs) do not make a distinction between groups in the subject population and they rely on methods such as (single-level) principal components analysis (PCA). Multilevel principal components analysis (PCA) allows one to model betweengroup effects and within-group effects explicitly. Three dimensional (3D) laser scans were taken from 240 subjects (38 Croatian female, 35 Croatian male, 40 English female, 40 English male, 23 Welsh female, 27 Welsh male, 23 Finnish female, and 24 Finnish male) and 21 landmark points were created subsequently for each scan. After Procrustes transformation, eigenvalues from mPCA and from single-level PCA based on these points were examined. mPCA indicated that the first two eigenvalues of largest magnitude related to within-groups components, but that the next largest eigenvalue related to between-groups components. Eigenvalues from single-level PCA always had a larger magnitude than either within-group or between-group eigenvectors at equivalent eigenvalue number. An examination of the first mode of variation indicated possible mixing of between-group and within-group effects in single-level PCA. Component scores for mPCA indicated clustering with country and gender for the between-groups components (as expected), but not for the within-group terms (also as expected). Clustering of component scores for single-level PCA was harder to resolve. In conclusion, mPCA is viable method of forming shape models that offers distinct advantages over single-level PCA when groups occur naturally in the subject population.Keywords: multilevel principal components analysis; active shape models; facial shape
IntroductionActive shape models (ASMs) and active appearance models (AAMs) [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8] are common techniques in image processing that are used to search for specific features or shapes in images. However, if clustering or multilevel data structures exist naturally in the data set, e.g., as illustrated by the flowchart in Fig. 1, the eigenvectors and eigenvalues from principal components analysis (PCA) will only be partially reflective of the true variation in the set of images / shapes. Multilevel principal components analysis (mPCA) provides a convenient method of modelling both the underlying structures within the images and also any groupings between images. mPCA carries out PCA at both withingroup and between-group levels independently. Note that the within-group level might be thought of as being "nested" within the broader between-group level, e.g., as shown in Fig. 1 for human facial expression. This approach also retains the desirable feature that any segmentation can still be constrained so that a fit of the model never "strays too far" from the training set used in forming the model (described in the methods section below). A previous application of mPCA to form ASMs related to the segmentation of the human spine [9]. The results of this study showed that mPCA offers more flexibility and allows deformations that classical statist...