For both plant (e.g., potato) and animal (e.g., salmon) species, unveiling the genetic architecture of complex traits is key to the genetic improvement of polyploids in agriculture. F 1 progenies of a biparental cross are often used for quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping in outcrossing polyploids, where haplotype reconstruction by identifying the parental origins of marker alleles is necessary. In this paper, we build a novel and integrated statistical framework for multilocus haplotype reconstruction in a full-sib tetraploid family from biallelic marker dosage data collected from single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) arrays or next-generation sequencing technology given a genetic linkage map. Compared to diploids, in tetraploids, additional complexity needs to be addressed, including double reduction and possible preferential pairing of chromosomes. We divide haplotype reconstruction into two stages: parental linkage phasing for reconstructing the most probable parental haplotypes and ancestral inference for probabilistically reconstructing the offspring haplotypes conditional on the reconstructed parental haplotypes. The simulation studies and the application to real data from potato show that the parental linkage phasing is robust to, and that the subsequent ancestral inference is accurate for, complex chromosome pairing behaviors during meiosis, various marker segregation types, erroneous genetic maps except for long-range disturbances of marker ordering, various amounts of offspring dosage errors (up to 20%), and various fractions of missing data in parents and offspring dosages.KEYWORDS polyploidy; outbred population; double reduction; preferential pairing; ancestral inference P OLYPLOIDY occurs in some animals such as salmon but is pervasive in plants, including many important crop species such as potato (Solanum tuberosum) and alfalfa (Medicago sativa). Understanding the genetic architecture of complex traits in polyploids plays a fundamental role in their genetic improvement. Numerous statistical methods have been developed for quantitative trait locus mapping in humans, animal, and plant species with diploid genomes. In contrast, corresponding studies in polyploids are very few, although an analogous linear model framework was introduced for tetraploid mapping populations at least 15 years ago (Xie and Xu 2000;Hackett et al. 2001).In the linear (mixed) models for quantitative trait locus mapping in diploid and polyploid species, the genetic component of a quantitative trait requires the calculation of genetic predictors (covariates), often expressed as the probabilities that the alleles at putative quantitative trait loci (QTL) are derived from particular parental chromosomes conditional on the observed genotypic data of mapping individuals and their parents. The haplotype reconstruction for calculating genetic predictors in diploids has been well developed (Mott et al. 2000;Broman et al. 2003;Liu et al. 2010;Zheng et al. 2015). The aim of this work is haplotype reconstruction in a full-sib ...