The publication is devoted to the problem of insufficient elaboration of methodological materials and evaluation tools for the creation by university graduates of a package of electronic materials for the final study, including a presentation version of the final qualifying work (FQP). Purpose: to present the basic methodological model of the presentation version (PV) of the FQP (bachelor's level) offered to the 4th year students of the Institute of Philology and History of the Russian State University for the Humanities (RSUH) (direction of preparation 45.03.02 "Linguistics", profile: "Translation and Translation Studies"); to analyze FQPs, the process of writing and preparation for the defense of which was carried out according to the methodology of the PV FQP model to bring the terminological apparatus of the discipline "Computer support of translation activity" ("CSTA") in the process of mastering which students develop PF FQP in standard and specialized software for the translator. Methods. Systemic method - the process of writing the text of the FQP, the development of the presentation version and the protection procedure are considered as a single educational system that requires the coordination of educational activities and the correct distribution of time; induction method - the conclusions given in the publication are formulated on the basis of the experience of the scientific leadership of several FQPs and the application of the proposed PV model; comparison method and comparative analysis - a comparative characteristic of the PV of two studies is given, recommendations for the use of media objects are given, the structure of PV FQP is presented, which consists of seven basic structural elements. Conclusions. The article deals with the problem of systematization of educational activities in the preparation of FQP; the concept of preparation for the defense of the final project and the basic methodological model of the presentation version of the FQP, carried out in the standard and specialized software of the translator, were developed. The carried out comparative analysis of PV FQP shows that, despite the schematization and a similar model used, each of the works is independent, contains individual distinctive characteristics in terms of presentation design, configuration of semantic accents and the final applied result.