There is a dearth of empirical literary studies devoted to digital literature, primarily due to the poor development of a methodological framework for analysing digital texts and a lack of clarity as regards the text/meaning-generating capacity of the new communication channel, the language of digital texts' literary meta-description and the limits of freedom in interpreting such volatile texts. This article attempts to answer these and other questions, providing a semiotic understanding of communication in the tech environment. It also proffers the idea of new pragmatics as the effect of volatile polycode digital text, interface and reception trajectory. It is shown that the instability of the digital channel plays a meaning-generating role in digital semiosis. The following principles are proposed as theoretically and methodologically significant for literary analysis of digital texts: a digital text does not preexist the act of communication; the meaning of an entire polycode digital text emerges at the intersection of words, images, video and audio; the activity of the recipient, in addition to that of producing meanings, includes material actions of text co-creation; the new tactility of communication should is a mandatory object of digital text analysis; when posted online, the recipient's reflection enables reconstructing the mechanisms guiding the reader through the text; meta-position in digital text analysis has the quality of relativity. A possible course of digital intermedial text analysis is proposed based on these considerations.