To begin with, I would like to express my warm gratitudes to prof. Lucas Gabrielli. Thank you for all the patience and for being there during all this work. I have learned a lot from you during these years.I am very privileged to come from such a special family who I deeply love. I would like to thank my parents for all the effort they made to invest in my education. My father has played a major role in my life by instigating my creativity and participating in every way he could, while my mother has always surrounded me with unconditional love and comfort. I would also like to thank my grandparents for taking such good care of our family. I feel very lucky to have, at home, my mother and my grandmother as examples of strong and powerful women. And, of course, I would like to thank my uncle for being so close to me. He was the first person to talk about Physics to me, he was the one who expanded my horizons and showed me how much we still have to know.I would like to give thanks to everybody from LEMAC, LCON and CTI for all the fruitful conversation. Especially, a heartfelt thank you to Paulo Jarshel, Julian Pita and Claudecir Biazoli for all the help they gave me during this work.These years would definitely be harder without my dear friends. The ones that made this journey so joyful and much more fun. I have also learned a lot from them. Thanks to my friends who were partners in so many trips, hikes and climbs, the ones who faced a pandemics with me and those that were always there, for the better and for the worse. Thanks for being with me everyday, for being my support in the difficult times and for all the good laughter that we have shared. You have made all the difference.Finally, I am very grateful for every teacher that I have ever had. I appreciate all the people that accounted for my education and all the ones that played part in the well functioning of the university.Also, I would like to acknowledge the financial aid received by CNPQ, with grant 168970/2018-0.
ResumoEste trabalho tem como objetivo demonstrar como gerar foco com fibras ópticas multimodo através da modulação de fase das frentes de onda. Para realizar os experimentos de imageamento, em 633 nm, um modulador espacial de fase foi codificado para modular as frentes de onda do feixe incidente com máscaras de fase. Então, ao fazer a aquisição do padrão de espalhamento na saída da fibra óptica, uma relaçao entre fase e magnitude foi estabelecida e a matriz de transmissão das fibras foi calculada.A montagem experimental proposta, neste trabalho, é relativamente simples. Ela é mecanicamente estável e não requer nenhum feixe de referência, assim, utilizando as matrizes de transmissão calculadas, pontos focais podem ser gerados na saída da fibra.Este experimento de imageamento pode ser aplicado em diversas áreas, como bio imageamento e sistemas integrados. Para explorar essas possibilidades, experimento de acoplamento foram realizados. Acoplamentos fibra-fibra e fibra-chip foram estudados e mostramos que a potência de saída teve ganhos de até 4.5 db...