The problem of ensuring the stability of a multivariable automatic control system which consists of statically and dynamically unstable objects must be managed when solving applied problems. In theoretical terms, this problem is worked out poorly and there are no practical recommendations for its solution. Examples of unstable objects exist in different areas of knowledge. In mechanics, it is a double inverted pendulum, which itself is a biconnected system, or an interconnected system of several inverted pendulums. In the technique -gas turbine engine operation in some operating modes, control of a statically unstable aircraft. In social systems -the behavior of a group of people or groups in critical situations. In large-scale structures (socio-economic, ecological, etc.) there are always statically and dynamically unstable subsystems. For example, dynamic instability may occur when the operating conditions change, the connection is broken etc. Static instability manifests itself in some modes of operation of power plants. The paper analyzes the solution of this problem in the class of multivariable selforganizing systems, which form the structure of relations between unstable subsystems.