Electron transfer from a localized state in a quantum dot into a ballistic conductor generally results in particle-hole excitations. We study this effect, considering a resonance level with time-dependent energy coupled to particle states in the Fermi sea. We find that, as the resonance level is driven through the Fermilevel, particle-hole excitations can be suppressed for certain driving protocols. In particular, such noiseless transfer occurs if the level moves with constant rapidity, its energy changing linearly with time. A scheme to study the coherence of particle transfer is proposed. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.101.196404 PACS numbers: 71.10.Pm, 03.65.Ud, 03.67.Hk, 73.50.Td Individual quantum states of light, supplied on demand by single-photon sources [1][2][3], are essential for current progress in manipulating and processing quantum information in quantum optics [4]. In particular, such sources are at the heart of secure transmission of quantum information by quantum cryptography [5], and of quantum teleportation [6]. An extension of these techniques to electron systems would be crucial for the inception of fermionbased quantum information processing [7,8].Elements of solid state electron optics, such as linear beam splitters [9,10] and interferometers [11], have been known for a while, but an on-demand electron source was demonstrated only recently [12]. In the experiment [12] a localized state in a quantum dot, tunnel-coupled to a ballistic conductor (a quantum Hall edge channel), was charged and discharged by modulation of its energy induced by a periodic voltage on the gate, leading to a sequence of quantized single-electron current pulses [13].Yet, the nearly perfect quantization of current pulses achieved in [12] does not guarantee full quantum coherence. In a fully coherent pulse, the injected electron occupies a prescribed quantum state without particle-hole pairs excited from the Fermi sea. However, as the particle or hole density of states is finite at low energy a generic perturbation applied to a Fermi system can create multiple pairs. This process is more disruptive than related process for photon sources (e.g., phonon emission), as these particlehole pairs occur in the same channel as the desired particle. Avoiding such excitations constrains the protocol for generating coherent pulses.To study the coherence of particle transfer, we use an exact time-dependent scattering matrix, generalizing the Breit-Wigner theory of resonance scattering to arbitrary time dependence of the localized state energy EðtÞ. Applying this approach to the many-body evolution of a Fermi sea coupled to a localized state with driven energy, we find that for linear driving EðtÞ ¼ ct, excitation creation is fully inhibited. The harmonic driving used in [12] is well approximated by this linear model if electron release and capture occur well within each half-period, as shown in Fig. 1(a). For such clean protocols entanglement between the injected particle and the Fermi sea is totally suppressed by Pauli blocking of m...