We show that the quantum Zeno effect gives rise to the Hall effect by tailoring the Hilbert space of a two-dimensional lattice system into a single Bloch band with a nontrivial Berry curvature. Consequently, a wave packet undergoes transverse motion in response to a potential gradient -a phenomenon we call the Zeno Hall effect to highlight its quantum Zeno origin. The Zeno Hall effect leads to retroreflection at the edge of the system due to an interplay between the band flatness and the nontrivial Berry curvature. We propose an experimental implementation of this effect with ultracold atoms in an optical lattice.Introduction.-The state-of-the-art experimental techniques in atomic, molecular and optical physics have made it possible not only to engineer the Hamiltonian of a quantum system, but also to control its interaction with the environment [1][2][3][4][5][6]. Here controlled dissipation can serve as a resource for quantum coherence and entanglement [7,8], with versatile applications to quantumstate preparation [9][10][11], quantum computation [12] and quantum simulation [13,14].The experimental progress in turn has stimulated theoretical studies in open quantum systems [15][16][17][18], such as the Hall effects in the presence of dissipation [19][20][21][22]. It has been shown that the quantization of the transverse conductivity in the integer quantum Hall regime is robust against dissipation [19,22], while a nontrivial influence of dissipation emerges for the fractional quantum Hall effect [20] and the anomalous Hall effect [21].In this Letter, we point out yet another Hall effect in open quantum systems -the Hall effect due to dissipation. This differs fundamentally from the previous works in that the Hall effect originates from the interaction with the environment instead of the bare HamiltonianĤ of the system. Our idea is based on two key ingredients: (i) to use dissipation to tailor the accessible Hilbert space S and hence to change the effective Hamiltonian (see Fig. 1 (a)) [23][24][25]; (ii) the noncommutativity of position operators in a constrained Bloch band with a nontrivial Berry curvature [26]. (i) exploits the quantum Zeno (QZ) effect [27][28][29], which is well studied in the context of quantum measurement [30,31] and occurs also for strong dissipation [32-34] as a continuous limit of repeated measurements [23]. (ii) shares the same physics behind the anomalous Hall effect [35]. As schematically illustrated in Figs. 1 (b) and (c), if the entire Hilbert space is tailored into a single Bloch band with a nonzero Berry curvature, a wave packet undergoes transverse motion even ifĤ has no kinetics term. We call such a phenomenon the Zeno Hall effect (ZHE). Our scheme is readily applicable to create a flat band with a tunable Berry curvature, and thus provides an ideal platform to explore quantum many-body physics [36][37][38]. Surprisingly, the wave-packet dynamics in such a flat band is