Recently, Zheng constructs a quantum-control-assisted multipartite variance-based uncertainty relation, which successfully extends the conditional uncertainty relation to the multipartite case [Annalen der physik, 533, 2100014 (2021)]. We here investigate the dynamics of the new uncertainty relation in the Heisenberg system with the Dzyaloshinski-Moriya interaction. It is found that, different from entanglement, the mixedness of the system has an interesting single-valued relationship with the tightness and lower bound of the uncertainty relation. This single-valued relationship indicates that the tightness and lower bound of the uncertainty relation can be written as the functional form of the mixedness. Moreover, the single-valued relationship with the mixedness is the common nature of conditional uncertainty relations, and has no relationship with the form of the uncertainty relations. Also, the comparison between the new conditional variance-based uncertainty relation and the existing entropic one has been made.