We apply a recently developed ab initio numerical framework to investigate the angular distributions of the emitted electrons in the immediate proximity of the threshold for the two-photon double ionization of helium. Provided one of the electrons is emitted perpendicular to the laser polarization direction, it is found that the angular distribution of the other electron is characterized by three lobes. The results are similar to those recently reported for the corresponding process in the hydrogen negative ion [R. The problem of direct (nonsequential) two-photon double ionization of helium has been studied extensively in recent years, as exemplified by numerous theoretical [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18] and experimental [19][20][21][22][23][24] works. This breakup process is fundamental in the sense that it is one of the simplest processes in nature where electron correlations are exhibited, manifested by a rather complex interplay between the electrons. As such, a complete understanding of it will pave the way for further investigations of the role of correlations in few-photon and multiphoton multiple ionization processes in atoms and molecules.In the present Brief Report, we investigate the direct two-photon double ionization process of helium in the near vicinity of the lower threshold (i.e., for 40 eV photons), and with particular emphasis on the direction of ejection of the photo-electrons. In a recent work [25], it was found that the corresponding process in H − is characterized by a strong backward-forward asymmetry in the sense that if one electron is emitted perpendicular to the (linear) laser polarization direction then the other electron is emitted most preferably in the opposite direction, forming three characteristic lobes in the angular distribution. Similar features have also been observed theoretically in H 2 [26][27][28].Solving the time-dependent Schrödinger equation numerically for helium [14], the conditional angular distribution is obtained for both short (500 and 1000 as) and long (4 fs) linearly polarized laser pulses. We examine the case where one of the electrons is emitted perpendicular to the laser polarization direction, and integrate over the energy of both electrons. It is found that the direction of emission of the other electron is characterized by three lobes, concordant with the observations in H − [25]. Furthermore, with increasing pulse duration, the lobe pointing in the backward direction, representing electrons being emitted back-to-back, becomes relatively more important. The "backward" lobe is most distinct at lower photon energies, and already at a photon energy of 42 eV it loses its significance [11]. We therefore anticipate that the presence of the structure at lower photon energies is * sigurd.askeland@ift.uib.no † morten.forre@ift.uib.no a signature of a competing double ionization mechanism that becomes suppressed at higher photon energies.Figure 1 depicts our results for the angular distributions in the double ionization process. I...