“…Jose, California); a galvanometric mirror pair (6215H, Cambridge Technology, Lexington, Massachusetts); a dichroic mirror (LP02-980RS, Semrock, Rochester, New York); the XLUMPLFLN 20XW objective lens; a thermoelectrically cooled, red-enhanced GaAs PMT and photon counting head (H7421-50, Hamamatsu); and a multifunction data acquisition card (PCI-6229, National Instruments, Austin, Texas). 12 The laser is centered at 1575 AE 20 nm with a frequency of 43.7 MHz, and it provides up to 200 mW of transform-limited (<150-fs-wide) pulses at the output of a 1-m single-mode fiber patch cord. The optical fiber was shortened (to ∼0.75 m) to partially compensate for material dispersion in the system.…”