We report on observation of pronounced terahertz radiation-induced magneto-resistivity oscillations in AlGaAs/GaAs two-dimensional electron systems, the THz analog of the microwave induced resistivity oscillations (MIRO). Applying high power radiation of a pulsed molecular laser we demonstrate that MIRO, so far observed at low power only, are not destroyed even at very high intensities. Experiments with radiation intensity ranging over five orders of magnitude from 0.1 W/cm 2 to 10 4 W/cm 2 reveal high-power saturation of the MIRO amplitude, which is well described by an empirical fit function I/(1 + I/Is) β with β ∼ 1. The saturation intensity Is is of the order of tens of W/cm 2 and increases by six times by increasing the radiation frequency from 0.6 to 1.1 THz. The results are discussed in terms of microscopic mechanisms of MIRO and compared to nonlinear effects observed earlier at significantly lower excitation frequencies.Magnetotransport experiments in low-dimensional systems containing high mobility two-dimensional electron gases (2DEG) reveal many fundamental phenomena of quite different physical nature. The most prominent and well-known examples in linear dc transport are integer and fractional quantum Hall effects 1,2 in stronger magnetic field and Shubnikov -de Haas (SdH) 3,4 and Weiss
5oscillations at moderate fields. While linear transport phenomena in low-dimensional semiconductor systems have been systematically studied for several decades, in the last years terahertz/microwave-induced nonequilibrium transport in 2DEG is attracting an ever growing attention. In part, this is caused by the steadily expanding frequency range and rapid developments of terahertz science and technology [6][7][8][9][10][11] . Following the discovery of the microwave-induced resistance oscillations (MIRO) 12,13 and associated zero-resistance states 14-18 , the focus of recent research has largely shifted to nonequilibrium magnetotransport phenomena 19 . Similar to the SdH and Weiss oscillations, MIRO are 1/B-periodic oscillations and reflect the commensurability between the photon energy 2π f and the cyclotron energy ω c . Here, is the reduced Planck constant, f the microwave frequency and ω c the cyclotron frequency. Very recently, it was demonstrated that MIRO can be efficiently excited at substantially higher frequencies of several terahertz 20 . This work gave an experimental answer to two currently most intriguing questions regarding radiation helicity 18 and the role of the contacts/edges 21,22 . So far all studies of MIRO were performed at low radiation power smaller or of the order of a milliwatt19 . Here we demonstrate that MIRO are very robust and do not vanish even at very high power up to tens of kW/cm 2 . We have studied MIRO for frequencies between 0.6 and 1.1 THz and intensities varying by five orders of magnitude. We observe that high radiation intensity affects exclusively the amplitude of MIRO while both shape and phase of the oscillations are preserved. For all frequencies and all oscillation orde...