The operating environment of nuclear reactors presents many unique challenges both for the materials comprising fuel elements (Olander 1976) and other structural components within and surrounding the reactor (Zinkle and Was 2013). These environmental challenges are due to the simultaneous exposure to conditions from multiple physical systems, including high temperatures, high radiation fluxes, aggressive chemical environments, and mechanical loading. Numerical simulation has been used for multiple decades as a tool for understanding the behavior of various components in this environment. As these tools have been developed to increasing levels of sophistication, they have been used increasingly both for engineering analysis of components, as well as for simulating the processes of microstructure evolution, which lead to changes in the engineering properties of interest in the materials used in these components. In some cases, the behavior of a single physics can be considered independently, simply because the response of one system does not change the conditions a component or material is subject to in other physical systems. For example, a component may be subjected to mechanical loading and thermal expansion due to elevated temperatures, but often, the mechanical response has a negligible effect on the thermal environment, so the temperature field can simply be imposed as a boundary condition to the mechanical model. However, there are also many scenarios in which the response to one physics has a strong effect on other physics. In the thermal/mechanical example, if the mechanical response of that component significantly changes its configuration, that could alter paths for heat transfer, and have a dramatic effect on the thermal field. In such a case, the simulation should account for two-way feedback between the models of these physical systems to accurately represent its response.