“…A common way to incorporate additional information on the volatilities and covolatilities of asset returns is to use high-frequency data that include information on intraday asset trades. The realized stochastic volatility (RSV) models, for example, are this type of extension and are known to outperform models without realized measures at estimating model parameters, forecasting volatilities and portfolio performance (Takahashi et al (2009), Hansen et al (2012), Koopman and Scharth (2013), Takahashi et al (2016), Shirota et al (2017), Kurose and Omori (2019), Yamauchi and Omori (2019)). However, it is not straightforward to extend the FMSV model using the realized covariance matrices in a similar manner, since the realized covariance matrices do not directly correspond to the factor loading matrix and the idiosyncratic volatilities that are not explained by the factors.…”