The behavior of the collective rotor in the chiral motion of triaxially deformed nuclei is investigated using the particle rotor model by transforming the wave functions from the K-representation to the R-representation. After examining the energy spectra of the doublet bands and their energy differences as functions of the triaxial deformation, the angular momentum components of the rotor, proton, neutron, and the total system are investigated. Moreover, the probability distributions of the rotor angular momentum (R-plots) and their projections onto the three principal axes (K R -plots) are analyzed. The evolution of the chiral mode from a chiral vibration at the low spins to a chiral rotation at high spins is illustrated at triaxial deformations γ = 20 • and 30 • . * Electronic address: † Electronic address: ‡ Electronic address: § Electronic address: Nuclear chiral rotation is an exotic form of spontaneous symmetry breaking. It can occur when high-j proton states (particles) lie above the Fermi level and high-j neutron states (holes) lie below the Fermi level (or vice versa), and at the same time the nuclear core is of triaxial ellipsoidal shape [1]. The angular momenta of the valence particles and holes are aligned along the short and long axes of the triaxial core, respectively, while the angular momentum of the rotational core is aligned along the intermediate axis. The three angular momenta can be arranged to form a left-handed or a right-handed system. Such an arrangement leads to the breaking of chiral symmetry (χ = T R 2 (π), with time reversal T and 180 • degree rotation R 2 (π)) in the body-fixed frame. With the restoration of this symmetry in the laboratory frame, degenerate doublet ∆I = 1 bands with the same parity, so-called chiral doublet bands [1], occur. So far, more than 50 candidates for this phenomenon have been observed in odd-odd nuclei as well as in odd-A and even-even nuclei, and these are spread over the mass regions A ∼ 80, 100, 130, and 190. For more details, see the review articles [2-7] and the corresponding data tables in Ref. [8]. With the prediction [9] and confirmation [10] of multiple chiral doublets (MχD) in a single nucleus, the investigation of nuclear chirality continues to be one of the hottest topic in modern nuclear physics [11-33].By now it is well-known that chiral rotations (aplanar rotations of the total angular momentum) can exist only above a critical spin I, see Refs. [23,32,[34][35][36]. Actually, at low spins a chiral vibration, understood as an oscillation of the total angular momentum between the left-and the right-handed configuration, happens. This suggests that the orientation of the angular momenta of the rotor, the particle(s), and the hole(s) are coplanar near the bandhead of a chiral band. This feature is caused by the fact that the angular momentum of the rotor is much smaller than those of the proton and the neutron near the bandhead [32].On the other hand, at high spin, a ...