Static random access memory (SRAM) is the typical memory for very large scale integrated (VLSI) circuits. A major reason for this is the high speed operation for SRAM in comparison to its previous counterparts, a major trade off for the circuit is its high power consumption. With the growing importance of memory architectures, it is crucial to lower the power consumption of SRAM cells. This major goal of this paper is to provide innovative and effective strategies for creating low power SRAM cells. This study provides several circuit topologies and methodologies to compute stability, leakage current, delay, and power, as well as novel techniques for designing SRAM cells based on eight transistors (8T). SRAM is frequently chosen over dynamic random access memory (DRAM) due to faster speed and lower power consumption. It is named static since no modification or action, i.e. refreshing, is required to maintain the data intact. The leakage current in SRAM, however, frequently rises and impairs its performance when technology nodes are scaled down. Voltage scaling, which also impacts the stability and latency of SRAM, is chosen as a solution to this problem. In this study, a separate (isolated) read port is employed to increase read stability while a negative bit-line (NBL) write aid circuit is used to improve write capability. In terms of write static noise margin (WSNM), write latency, read static noise margin (RSNM), and other metrics, the suggested design has been compared to state-of-the-art work. The paper is organized into the following sections: 1. Introduction, Section 2 describes related work. The suggested work is explained in section 3, while the results and discussion are included in section 4. The results for all the sections are concluded in section 5 conclusions.