Four head of Korean indigenous cattle were presented to the Chonbuk Animal Medical Centre, Chonbuk National University, with the complaint of the presence of extra limb(s) since birth. The accessory limb(s) were underdeveloped in all the cases and attached to the lateral side of the withers craniodorsal to the right scapula in Case 1 and 2; in Case 3, right dorsally to the 4 th cervical vertebra and in Case 4 it was ventrolateral to the thorax caudally to the right forelimb. In all the cases, the congenital anomaly was diagnosed as the presence of supernumerary ectopic limb(s) (SEL), which were removed by surgical excisions under general anaesthesia. In all the cases, the surgical corrections resulted in normal locomotion and better quality of life. No postoperative complications were observed during a 1-year follow up period. The SEL can be successfully removed by surgical excisions, which can result in normal locomotion and better aesthesis of the animal.