The new calcium phosphate ceramics was produced by a sol-gelprocess at 200Celsius with silica (SiO 2 ) as adjuvant. The aim of this investigation was to test the osteoinductive effect of these bioceramics and to prove its biodegradation by means of animal experiments. One year old minipigs were used and divided into three groups (n=6). Critical size defects (>5cm 3 ) in the mandible were filled by different materials (group1: 60 % hydroxilapatite [HA] + 40 % ß-tricalciumphosphate, group 2: only HA; group 3: control, without ceramics). Eight months later clinical, histological, morphometrical and REM investigations concerning the state of former defected mandible were made. In groups 1 and 2 a complete reossification of the bone defects and a biodegradation rate of ceramics of more than 96 % were recognized. In conclusion silica-calcium phosphate ceramics made by a sol gel method seems to be suitable for filling bone defects in men and is of interest for orthopedic surgery, traumatology, craniomaxillofacial surgery and dentistry. Recently a clinical study was started.