In the present study, we consider an extended form of teleparallel Lagrangian f (T, φ, X), as function of a scalar field φ, its kinetic term X and the torsion scalar T . We use linear perturbations to obtain the equation of matter density perturbations on sub-Hubble scales. The gravitational coupling is modified in scalar modes with respect to the one of General Relativity, albeit vector modes decay and do not show any significant effects. We thus extend these results by involving multiple scalar field models. Further, we study conformal transformations in teleparallel gravity and we obtain the coupling as the scalar field is non-minimally coupled to both torsion and boundary terms. Finally, we propose the specific model f (T, φ, X) = T + ∂µφ ∂ µ φ + ξT φ 2 . To check its goodness, we employ the observational Hubble data, constraining the coupling constant, ξ, through a Monte Carlo technique based on the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm. Hence, fixing ξ to its best-fit value got from our numerical analysis, we calculate the growth rate of matter perturbations and we compare our outcomes with the latest measurements and the predictions of the ΛCDM model. one way to tackle the dark energy problem is to consider new dynamical degrees of freedom inside the teleparallel scheme. For example, theories in which one replaces the Lagrangian by f (T ) functions, i.e. where the torsion scalar is replaced by a nonlinear function f (T ) [16][17][18][19][20][21], represent a viable framework naively inspired by f (R)gravity. This prescription can be even extended by a more general form based on f (T, B) functions in order to include both torsion and the boundary term [22,23]. This leads to a generalization of both f (R) and f (T ) classes of models and have been also studied as f (R, T ) in [24].In addition, one can use a scalar field responsible for the expansion, providing a scalar-tensor teleparallel dark energy acting as solution to the cosmic acceleration problem [26][27][28][29][30][31] and analogous to [25]. In this picture, the scalar field should be non-minimally coupled to gravity. This has been proved by working on renormalization of scalar-tensor theory and in the context of quantum corrections on curved spacetime [32][33][34][35][36][37][38].The most common way is to include a single scalar field, although this choice is not unique. Indeed, even though the use of single field models is consistent with data, the idea to consider multiple field models during inflation and the late-time expansion [39] is still possible. The multi-field can also be non-minimally coupled to gravity.