Riparian wetlands can act as both phosphorus (P) sources and sinks depending upon a range of factors that affect hydrological and biogeochemical processes that govern P mobilization. Stream flow, groundwater levels and water chemistry (total P (TP), soluble reactive P (SRP)) were measured in a series of nested piezometers along three transects located in a riparian zone prior to and throughout a flood event resulting from the release of water from an upstream reservoir. Results of the study show that the stream was influent on all sampling dates, and groundwater flow through the riparian zone was longitudinal to the channel, rather than transverse to the stream. This drainage pattern affected riparian zone biogeochemistry. The riparian zone was a source of TP and SRP to the shallow groundwater system under both pre-flood and flood conditions, as P levels were higher in piezometers at the downstream end of the riparian zone (p B0.001). Flooding induced a brief increase in TP concentrations in shallow groundwater due to mixing with surface runoff following overbank flooding; however, these concentrations quickly returned to pre-event levels. In contrast, SRP concentrations in shallow groundwater decreased during flooding, likely resulting from mixing with oxygen-rich stream water. A large pulse of TP (12,000 mg L(1 ) was observed in the creek on the peak flood date. This P did not originate from the reservoir and was more likely due to the mobilization of P from the riparian zone surface when overbank flooding occurred. The results indicate that autumn flooding of riparian zones downstream from impoundments may mobilize phosphorus if overbank flooding occurs, thereby reducing the nutrient retention potential of riparian zones in some settings.Ré sumé : Les milieux humides riverains, sous l'influence des facteurs hydrologiques et biochimiques, responsables de la mobilisation du phosphore (P), peuvent agir en tant que source et puits de P. Dans le cadre de cette étude, des données sur la position de la nappe phréatique, le débit, ainsi que la chimie de